Saturday, December 09, 2006

Wordie - Like Flickr, but without the Photos

TechCrunch has a post about a new social networking site for word lovers, Wordie. Simply enough, Wordie allows users to create a list of words. Each time a word is added, Wordie includes various links to get definitions.wordie_example.jpg
While a wiki would probably be a better way to build a class word bank complete with definitions and examples, Wordie could be useful for reviewing terms, with students checking definitions as needed. This approach could be especially valuable for SAT/ACT prep.

Then there is the sheer word nerdiness of it all that I love. I am going to use the site as a way to keep track of all the fun words I come across. There is even an RSS feed, so I have added it to the blog's sidebar.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Now with Chat!

Cool Cat Teacher, Vickie Davis, points out Meebo Me, another way to add chatting functionality to a blog.

I love the idea of increasing channels of communication, so I am giving it a try here. However, I'm not sure how useful this will be for the classroom. In order to participate with visitors to the blog, I need to log into meebo, which I am certain my district blocks (I'll need to check on Monday).

Mostly, though, I'm just curious about chat. I rarely use IM, preferring the asynchronous leisure of email (remember when email was considered the fast way to communicate in writing). If I need real time, I would rather use the phone or Skype.

But lets give it a try. I would love to hear from anyone stopping by the blog.